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Who are we?

Centro de Endoscopia del Sureste was created as a trustworthy reference unit to which all medical practitioners send their patients for the performance of endoscopic studies, and has endeavored to provide excellent care using equipment with the most advanced technology, and where the primary objective is the care of the sick.

Centro de Endoscopia del Sureste has been distinguished by a continuous progress since its beginning, setting the pace in the endoscopic procedures in the Southeast, and being always at the forefront of worldwide technology.


We have the best facilities in the southeast, independent recovery cubicles where you can relax after the examination in the company if you so wish of a family member.


May, 1989

We began the delivery of endoscopic photographs taken with a fiberoptic scope.

June, 1989

The first endoscopic cholangiopancreatography takes place. This procedure allows the observation, with the help of X-rays, of the bile duct and pancreatic duct in order to diagnose abnormalities such as choledocholithiasis, chronic pancreatitis, neoplasia, etc


The first colonic polypectomy takes place. This procedure does not require surgical intervention nor the use of operating room, general anesthesia or hospitalization, decreasing the risks, recovery time and costs.


We consolidate in the south-east the method of esophageal varices sclerotherapy, as a good alternative for the management of patients with liver cirrhosis and hemorrhagic portal hypertension.


A breakthrough is achieved in the endoscopic examination of the high and low respiratory pathways with the performance of the bronchoscopy.