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Centro de Endoscopia | Servicios/43 panendoscopia o endoscopia superior
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Centro de Endoscopia

Upper Endoscopy

Upper endoscopy lets your doctor examine the lining of the upper part of your gastrointestinal tract, which includes the esophagus, stomach and duodenum (first portion of the small intestine). Your doctor will use a thin, flexible tube called an endoscope, which has its own lens and light source, and will view the images on a video monitor. You might hear your doctor or other medical staff refer to upper endoscopy as upper GI endoscopy, esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD) or panendoscopy.

Centro de Endoscopia


It does not cause any pain, you may feel like vomiting at the beginning, while the endoscope is inserted into the esophagus. Once this has been achieved (the patient is usually required to swallow), the study will continue in a normal manner. At all times you will be watched.



An empty stomach allows for the best and safest examination, so you should have nothing to eat or drink, including water, for approximately eight hours before the examination. Your doctor will tell you when to start fasting as the timing can vary. 

Tell your doctor in advance about any medications you take; you might need to adjust your usual dose for the examination. Discuss any allergies to medications as well as medical conditions, such as heart or lung disease.


If you take medications for heart or blood pressure, you can eat them with a small amount of water an hour before going to study. Please notify your doctor if you are taking anticoagulants. It is important that these medications are suspended at least one week before the procedure. Occasionally special requirements.


Comfortable clothing and shoes no heavy or bulky clothing. Avoid corset, stockings, etc.. Before the procedure dentures or glasses should be removed. Your contact lenses are not necessary to remove.


Before the procedure, your vital signs and body weight will be measured. During the procedure, your oxygen saturation and heart rate will be monitored. You will receive supplemental oxygen during the procedure through a small tube to your nose.


Bring a person to drive as it is not recommended that you do so after the test. Due to the effects of the sedation you will receive, you should not drive for at least 12 hours after the procedure. If possible, that person should be someone with whom the doctor can freely report the results of their procedure. You should plan a stay at the Endoscopy Center between 1 and 2 hours.


If you have any questions or concerns about this test, ask your doctor about it or give us a call. It means that you have fully understood what this test involves and that you are giving permission for the doctor to perform it. You will give your consent in writing before initiating it.


Since you will soon be restored to their normal activities, there are several precautions and suggestions to follow for their own safety.

Because you have been fasting and gastrointestinal tract has been investigated, it is desirable to restart your diet slowly. A light meal as first food is desirable.

During the procedure the doctor uses air to distend the stomach. Although the end of the study this air is sucked in as much as possible, you may feel slightly dull or relaxed. This is normal and will decrease as the hours pass.

A needle is used to administer intravenous medication during the procedure. Rarely, the medication may irritate the vein with symptoms of redness or pain along the vein. This usually disappears within a few days but sometimes can take up to two weeks. Hot moist compresses on the area can help. If it persists, please contact your doctor.

Complications rarely occur. Although many precautions are taken to prevent any problems, complications sometimes occur that are not evident until after several hours. If within 24 hours you experience any of the following symptoms please contact your doctor or go to an emergency department:

a) Vomiting blood or black-brown material.

b) Severe pain in the chest or abdominal pain start.

c) Difficulty or pain when swallowing.

d) severe dizziness or weakness.

e) Sweating, severe nausea or high fever.

f) Initiation of cough.